I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can bring a rush of mixed emotions.  You might be experiencing fear and anxiety because your life isn’t turning out the way you had imagined.  While abortion may be the first solution that comes to mind, there are other options for women facing unplanned pregnancies, which include adoption, parenting, or

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Is Abortion Pill Reversal Hard on Your Body?

Did you take the abortion pill and are second-guessing your decision? You might still be able to save your pregnancy if you act fast. Abortion pill reversal (APR) works to counteract the effect the abortion pill has on a woman’s body, and it does not pose a threat to your health or your pregnancy. Continue

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How Does Abortion End My Pregnancy?

If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, you may be considering abortion.  Abortion, also referred to as “pregnancy termination,” ends a pregnancy through the use of drugs or surgery.  Before choosing to have an abortion, it is vital to understand how it works and can affect your body. Continue reading to learn more about the two

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