If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy you are likely feeling overwhelmed and scared. One of the things that you might be scared about is telling your partner and wondering how they will react.

There’s no doubt about it, telling your partner you are pregnant is a big step that can feel scary—but using strategies to guide the conversation can help protect you and improve the outcome.

Why Am I Worried How They’ll React?

To start, take time to consider why you feel worried about telling your partner. Are you concerned that they will feel overwhelmed by the news, or that it will change your relationship? Most importantly, are you worried for your safety—that they will respond violently? 

Remember, your safety is the most important priority, so making a plan to protect yourself is essential. The National Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-799-SAFE) is there for you with professional assistance. 

Sharing the news of your pregnancy with a close friend or family member and having them be with you when you share the news with your partner can be another layer of safety to add. 

Also, picking a public location can also be a good way to make sure that your partner does not overreact. 

Getting the Facts You Need

Another helpful way to prepare for your conversation with your partner is to get important details about your pregnancy. 

For example, getting an ultrasound scan to learn the location, viability, and age of your pregnancy can help you get the answers you need about what options are available to you and give you peace of mind about your pregnancy.

But those facts can also be helpful when you are speaking with your partner—allowing you to answer their questions or address any fears they have. This is also a non-threatening way to communicate with them that you are serious about your pregnancy and are the one in charge of making the decisions that will impact your future and your health.

How and Where to Share the News with My Partner?

Remember that it’s your pregnancy, which means you have the right to decide when and how you tell people, including your partner.

Before talking with your partner, take some time to think about how you expect the conversation will go. Writing down how you are feeling, as well as important details you want to communicate with your partner can be a good way to prepare yourself and remain focused in the conversation. 

You should also pick a location for the conversation that is comfortable for you, like a local coffee shop, restaurant, or public park.

Lastly, when you talk with your partner try to stay calm and be willing to listen to them. Keep in mind that they will probably feel overwhelmed and scared, just like you did when you found out you were pregnant. Give them the time they need to process the news and work through their feelings.

We are Here to Help

Our trained team of licensed medical providers at Alpha Pregnancy Care Center is here to support you. 

From providing a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy to an ultrasound scan to provide important details about your pregnancy, to answering any questions you have and providing helpful tips for talking to your partner, we are ready to help—all at no cost to you.
Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential appointment.