Is Abortion My Only Option If I Don’t Have Any Money?

If you’re struggling financially, you may feel like abortion is your best option.  Maybe you don’t think you can cover the medical expenses of a pregnancy, let alone have the financial resources required to raise a child.  Before choosing to have an abortion, you should know that there are options to ease the financial responsibility.

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3 Things to Know If You’re Considering Mail-Order Abortion

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel scary and overwhelming.  Maybe you feel you have no other choice but to end your pregnancy, and you’re planning to order the abortion pill online as soon as you can.  While mail-order abortion may seem like your best option, it is vital to understand that there are risks and

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I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can bring a rush of mixed emotions.  You might be experiencing fear and anxiety because your life isn’t turning out the way you had imagined.  While abortion may be the first solution that comes to mind, there are other options for women facing unplanned pregnancies, which include adoption, parenting, or

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