When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it can be difficult to share your true feelings with those closest to you. 

Maybe you think there is no way others could understand what you’re facing or fear they might be judgmental and condemn you. 

While talking with family about your pregnancy can feel intimidating, you shouldn’t have to navigate your pregnancy and your options alone. 

Helpful Tips When Sharing with Family

1. Preparing for the Conversation

Begin by asking yourself why you want an abortion. Did your partner, friends, or society lead you to believe that this is the best option? Maybe you fear that unless you have an abortion, you’ll never meet your goals for your future. 

Before speaking with your family, it is crucial to determine what led you to believe having an abortion is the right path so that you can be prepared to share what is motivating your decision. 

2. Gathering Information About Your Pregnancy

When preparing to talk with your family, getting an ultrasound scan can provide more information about your pregnancy and options. The three key factors that impact abortion eligibility are viability (if your pregnancy is growing or if you have had a miscarriage), age (how far along you are), and location of your pregnancy. 

Your family may have questions about your eligibility for an abortion, and an ultrasound will give you the information you need to answer their questions.

3. Choosing the Right Time and Place to Talk

You don’t want your conversation with your family to feel rushed, so ensuring you have ample time to talk can be helpful. You don’t want the conversation to get cut short. 

Additionally, choose a place where you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings without reservation, like inside your home or at a quiet park. 

4. Revealing Your Feelings and Motivations 

While your pregnancy decision is ultimately yours to make, sharing your reasoning for an abortion allows your family to gain a better understanding of how they can help. When you reveal your fears about pregnancy and parenting, you may be surprised by your family’s willingness to provide support. 

5. Listening to the Insight of Others

Even if you feel you’ve made your final decision, allowing your family to share their insights may be helpful. While you may think you’ve thoroughly thought through your options and made the right decision, your family may share something you had not yet considered. 

After speaking with your family, give yourself time to process the conversation before making your final decision. 

Get Help Today

No matter where you are in the process of sharing with your family, Alpha Pregnancy Care Center is here to help. 

Navigating an unplanned pregnancy can feel isolating, but you don’t have to walk this journey alone. 

We provide free lab-quality pregnancy tests and ultrasound scans so you can learn more about your pregnancy and your options. Our medical team can answer your questions and provide resources to support you during your pregnancy. 

Contact us today for your confidential appointment.