What is a Medical Abortion?

Medical abortion, also commonly referred to as the abortion pill, is a medical procedure that uses drugs to terminate a viable pregnancy. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering medical abortion as one of your options, it’s important for the sake of your health to know the details and risks associated with the

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Am I Eligible for the Abortion Pill?

While the abortion pill may seem like a simple way to deal with an unplanned pregnancy, there are risks to consider.  Additionally, for the sake of your health, you’ll want to speak with your medical provider about known risks and complications to be aware of before deciding whether the abortion pill is right for you.

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Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online?

If you’ve recently found out you’re pregnant, you may think that ordering the abortion pill online is a quick way to deal with your unplanned pregnancy. But there are limitations and restrictions you need to be aware of before making a decision. While the abortion pill is legal to order online in some states, other

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