What are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure of what to do. As you consider your options, it’s important to be informed about the potential risks so you can make an informed decision about your pregnancy. While the physical risks and side-effects of abortion are well-known and widely discussed

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What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, you might wonder what options are available. If you find yourself considering an abortion, informing yourself will help you make the right choice for you.  This post will discuss the two different types of abortion, medical and surgical, to give you the information you need.  Medical Abortion Sometimes

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Are you worried you may be pregnant? Early signs of pregnancy can vary, but the most common include a late period, tender breasts, and mood swings.  Pregnancy can feel overwhelming, especially if you suddenly find yourself in that situation. It is common for women who don’t feel ready to seek out information on abortions.  But

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